AirOps Academy
Workflow Builder

Adding Human Review Steps

Lesson Overview

This video introduces the Human Review step in AirOps, demonstrating how to create a workflow that pauses for user input midway through its generation process. You'll learn how to set up a simple workflow with an LLM step, add a Human Review step, and then continue with the remaining tasks.

  • 0:00: Introduction to the Human Review step
  • 0:23: Creating a workflow to demonstrate Human Review
  • 1:01: Adding and configuring the Human Review step
  • 2:24: Publishing the workflow and running it in grid view

Key Concepts

Human Review Step

The Human Review step allows you to pause a workflow midway through its generation process and ask for user input. This step is useful when you want to ensure that the output from the LLM steps meets your expectations or requires some human oversight before proceeding.

To add a Human Review step, simply drag and drop it between two LLM steps in your workflow. You can then configure the step by providing a title, instructions, and selecting the content format (e.g., radio list, multiple selection, or single item review).

Running Workflows in Grid View

Grid view is a feature in AirOps that allows you to run multiple workflows simultaneously. This is particularly useful when you want to generate content for various topics or scenarios using the same workflow structure.

To create a grid from a published workflow, click on the "Create grid" button and enter the desired inputs for each instance of the workflow. Once you run the grid, the workflows will pause at the Human Review step, allowing you to provide feedback for each instance before proceeding with the remaining tasks.

Key Takeaways

  1. "Sometimes you're happy for workflows to run all the way through and just take the output as is. But often you actually want a little bit of input from humans along the way. And that's why we've created the human Review step." - This highlights the importance of the Human Review step in allowing users to provide input and oversight during the workflow generation process.
  2. "So this is where the user would suggest a single selection from a list of items versus a multiple selection or just reviewing a single item that the user could edit." - The Human Review step offers flexibility in how users can provide feedback, whether it's selecting from a list of options, making multiple selections, or editing a single item.
  3. "This is a really powerful way to push air ops into higher value use cases by making sure that humans can check the work of the models as they go, provide feedback, make edits and generally make sure that everything is on track." - The Human Review step enables AirOps to be used for more complex and valuable use cases by ensuring that the output from the LLM steps meets the user's expectations and requirements.

Workflow Builder

Now that you understand Grids, it's time to create your own precise workflows that include data, AI calls and human review.


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