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Titlecase Converter

Easily convert any text to title case for professional-looking headlines and titles.


Created by Eoin Clancy

Growth Lead at AirOps

  • Drives conversion

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How to use Titlecase Converter effectively

How it works

  1. Enter Text Below: Start by entering the text you want to convert into the provided text box. Make sure to input the entire title or headline that needs formatting.
  2. Select Capitalization Style: Choose the desired capitalization style from the dropdown menu. Options include Title Case, Sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, and Capitalize Each Word.
  3. Submit: Once you have entered your text and selected the capitalization style, submit the form to see your text instantly converted to the chosen format. The tool will apply the appropriate rules to ensure correct capitalization.

Optimizing your inputs for standout results

  • Ensure your text is free of unnecessary punctuation to facilitate smoother conversion by the tool.
  • Use clear, concise sentences to help the tool accurately apply capitalization rules.
  • Choose the correct capitalization style to match the specific format requirements of your document.

Who's it for?

Content Editor

The Titlecase Converter ensures that headlines and subheadings are consistently formatted in title case, saving the Content Editor time and reducing errors in large documents or articles.

SEO Specialist

The Titlecase Converter helps ensure that title tags and meta descriptions are correctly capitalized, improving readability and click-through rates on search engine results pages.

Academic Researcher

The Titlecase Converter aids in formatting titles and headings in research papers and presentations, ensuring adherence to academic style guidelines and enhancing the professionalism of their work.

Why use the free Titlecase Converter

Benefits of leveraging a Titlecase Converter

  1. Effortless Text Formatting: Quickly convert text into title case format by simply inputting your text and selecting the desired capitalization style, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  2. Consistency and Accuracy: Ensure consistent and correct capitalization of titles, headlines, and headings by leveraging predefined rules and lists, enhancing the readability and professionalism of your documents.
  3. Versatile Capitalization Options: Choose from multiple capitalization styles including Title Case, Sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, and Capitalize Each Word, allowing you to format text according to specific requirements or preferences.


How do you use title case in a sentence?
What words do I not capitalize in a title?
What is the format of title case?
When should you use a title case?
How does the Titlecase Converter tool work?