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FAQ Schema Generator

Easily create structured FAQ schema to boost your website's SEO and enhance search result visibility.


Created by Eoin Clancy

Growth Lead at AirOps

  • Drives conversion

  • Experiment for free

  • Leverage at scale in AirOps

  • Customize for your workflow

Start using our free FAQ Schema Generator

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How to use FAQ Schema Generator effectively

How it works

  1. Enter Your Question: Start by entering your question in the "Question" field. This should be the frequently asked question you want to include in your FAQ section.
  2. Enter the Answer: Next, input the corresponding answer in the "Answer" field. This is the detailed response to the question you provided in the first step.
  3. Add Any Comments (Optional): If you have any additional comments or notes, you can enter them in the "Comment" field. This step is optional and can be skipped if not needed.
  4. Generate JSON-LD: Once all the required fields are filled out, click the "Generate" button to convert your inputted FAQ content into the JSON-LD format.
  5. Copy the Generated Markup: After the tool generates the structured data markup, copy the JSON-LD output provided. This code will be formatted with the required properties such as "mainEntity," "question," and "acceptedAnswer."
  6. Implement on Your Website: Paste the copied JSON-LD markup into the HTML of your website, typically within the <head> or <body> sections. This will help search engines recognize and display your FAQs in search results.

Optimizing your inputs for standout results

  • Ensure questions are clear and concise to improve the likelihood of appearing in search engine results.
  • Provide detailed and accurate answers to enhance the value and relevance of the FAQs.
  • Use the optional comments field to add context or additional information, aiding in better structuring and understanding.

Who's it for?

SEO Specialist

The FAQ Schema Generator helps SEO specialists create structured data for FAQs, enhancing the website's search engine visibility and increasing the chances of appearing in rich results. This tool saves time and reduces errors by automating JSON-LD generation.

Content Manager

Content managers use the FAQ Schema Generator to ensure their FAQ sections are optimized for search engines, improving the website's overall SEO performance and user engagement. It simplifies adding structured data without needing coding skills.


Webmasters benefit from the FAQ Schema Generator by easily creating structured data for FAQs, enhancing website visibility and user experience. The tool automates the process, minimizing coding errors and saving time, which is crucial for efficient website management.

Why use the free FAQ Schema Generator

Benefits of leveraging a FAQ Schema Generator

  1. Enhanced SEO Performance: By generating structured data markup in compliance with standards, the tool helps improve your website's visibility in search engine results, increasing the chances of your FAQs appearing in rich snippets.
  2. Time and Error Reduction: Automate the creation of JSON-LD formatted FAQ schema, eliminating the need for manual coding. This saves significant time and reduces the risk of errors, ensuring each question-answer pair is properly formatted.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive input fields for questions, answers, and optional comments make it easy for website owners and developers to generate the required structured data without any technical expertise, streamlining the workflow.


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