Content Strategy
AirOps Team
Get Programmatic SEO Strategy + Keywords

Grow traffic with pSEO hubs that capture your audience's intent

Developing effective programmatic SEO campaigns can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Generating unique, relevant, and high-quality content at scale while maintaining brand consistency and SEO best practices is a significant challenge for marketers and content creators.

The Programmatic SEO Strategy and Keywords template from AirOps streamlines the ideation process for SEO campaigns. By leveraging AI-powered workflows and your brand kit, it generates targeted content ideas, keyword suggestions, and search metrics, enabling you to create impactful SEO campaigns efficiently. This templates leverages OpenAI's GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini with prompts that you can customize to complete research, generate ideas and perform analysis all customized for your brand.

With the Programmatic SEO Strategy and Keywords template, you can:

  • Ideate at scale: Generate a wide range of unique, relevant, and SEO-optimized content ideas quickly and easily.
  • Maintain brand consistency: Ensure all generated content aligns with your brand guidelines and tone of voice.
  • Optimize for search: Receive keyword suggestions along with search volume, cost-per-click, and difficulty metrics to inform your content strategy.
  • Customize and expand: Tailor the template to your specific needs by modifying prompts and expanding the scope of idea generation.
July 28, 2024
July 28, 2024
Run time
Sample Content Brief
Premium SEO data

Get search volume, cost-per-click, and keyword difficulty for each generated content idea to inform your SEO strategy.

Brand kit

Ensure all generated content aligns with your brand guidelines and tone of voice for consistent messaging.

Live web research

Generate content ideas, unique to your brand that are backed by live search results so you know where to invest.

Customizable prompts

Tailor the workflow to your needs by modifying prompts, expanding idea generation, and making it your own.

Meet the author

The AirOps team works with hundreds of GTM experts to bring impactful and ambitious AI growth strategies to life on our platform. We’re bringing some of our deepest learnings building for scale with LLMs to our template collection.

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AirOps’ customers implementing our generative workflows drive outsized results like 50x increase in website visitors.

We already loved AirOps but templates just made everything 100× faster. It’s truly our secret weapon for any marketing initiative.

Mark David
CEO and Founder and Rocket Inc.

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