Content Optimization
AirOps Team
Add Image Alt Tags

Improve SEO and accessibility with image alt tags

Optimizing images with descriptive alt tags is crucial for SEO and accessibility, but manually tagging hundreds of images can be time-consuming and tedious. Many websites have pages filled with images that lack proper alt tags, hindering their search engine performance and user experience.

The Add Image Alt Tags to Page template from AirOps streamlines the process by automatically creating rich, descriptive alt tags for images using advanced AI models. It combines our custom web scraper with GPT-4o and carefully crafted prompts to generate accurate descriptions. By leveraging the capabilities of language models and computer vision, this template ensures your images are properly tagged for maximum SEO impact.

With the Add Image Alt Tags to Page template for AirOps, you can:

  • Boost SEO: Improve your website's search engine rankings by adding informative alt tags to images.
  • Enhance accessibility: Make your content more accessible to visually impaired users who rely on screen readers.
  • Save time and effort: Automate the process of generating alt tags, eliminating the need for manual tagging.
  • Optimize at scale: Quickly update alt tags across thousands of pages in under an hour.
July 28, 2024
July 28, 2024
Run time
Sample Content Brief
Live web scrape

Automatically scrape your webpage to extract all image URLs for processing.

AI vision models

Leverage advanced AI models with computer vision to generate rich, descriptive alt tags for your images.

Human review

Easily review and approve generated alt tags before implementing them on your site.

Bulk processing

Transform content at scale, and process multiple pages and images simultaneously, saving time and effort.

Meet the author

The AirOps team works with hundreds of GTM experts to bring impactful and ambitious AI growth strategies to life on our platform. We’re bringing some of our deepest learnings building for scale with LLMs to our template collection.

Read more about AirOps


AirOps’ customers implementing our generative workflows drive outsized results like 50x increase in website visitors.

We already loved AirOps but templates just made everything 100× faster. It’s truly our secret weapon for any marketing initiative.

Mark David
CEO and Founder and Rocket Inc.

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