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Embedding Github Gists into Webflow CMS Rich Text: A Complete Guide

As a Webflow user, you might have found yourself in a situation where you want to embed Github Gists into your CMS Rich Text. This is especially common if you're running a software tutorial site or a blog where you frequently share code snippets. While Webflow is a powerful tool for designing and developing websites, embedding Github Gists into CMS Rich Text might not seem straightforward. But don't worry, we've got you covered! This guide will walk you through the process step by step.

The Problem: Embedding Github Gists into Webflow CMS Rich Text

If you've tried to embed Github Gists into your Webflow CMS Rich Text, you might have run into a few issues. While Webflow supports Embed.ly, which in turn supports Github, embedding syntax-highlighted code snippets isn't as straightforward as embedding other types of content. You might have even tried to use CodePen for this purpose, but found it limited to HTML/CSS/JS, and not suitable for other languages like Python.

The Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide

Good news! There's a way to embed Github Gists into your Webflow CMS Rich Text. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Create Your Gist on Github

First, you need to create a Gist on Github. A Gist is simply a shareable code snippet. Once you've written your code, go to Github and create a new Gist. Copy the URL of the Gist once it's created.

2. Use the Embed Feature in Webflow's Rich Text

In your Webflow CMS Rich Text field, start a new line and click the +, then the icon with the music note and map pin (the "rich media" option). Paste the URL of your Gist here.

3. Publish Your Site

Now, all you need to do is publish your site. Note that the Gist might not show up in preview mode, but it should be visible on the published site.

4. Bonus: Customize Your Gist Appearance

You can also customize the look and feel of your Gists with CSS. This can be done by adding custom CSS in the main site custom code setting. Customize the CSS to fit your style and brand, and make your Gists look awesome!

And that's it! You can now seamlessly embed Github Gists into your Webflow CMS Rich Text. Happy coding!

Additional Resources

If you're looking for more information or need further assistance, the Webflow community is a great resource. You can find discussions on this topic and many others in the Webflow Forum. For more information on using Github Gists, check out the Github Gists documentation. Happy Webflow-ing!

Pro Tip: Use Webflow's Custom Code for Extra Styling Flexibility

One of the greatest things about Webflow is its flexibility, which is especially visible in the 'Custom Code' feature. If you're embedding Github Gists into your CMS Rich Text and you're not quite satisfied with the default styling, why not spice things up a bit?

Webflow's 'Custom Code' allows you to inject your own CSS and JavaScript into the site or specific pages. You can use this to customize the appearance of your Gists to match the look and feel of your site. For instance, you can change the background color of the Gist, modify the font, or even add a border. The possibilities are endless!

To customize your Gist's appearance, navigate to your site settings and find the 'Custom Code' section. In the 'Head Code' box, paste your CSS. Remember to wrap your code in style tags like so:

.gist .blob-wrapper { background: #f5f5f5; }
.gist .blob-code-inner { font-size: 16px; }

Remember, changes made in the 'Custom Code' section will not appear in the Designer or Preview mode. You'll need to publish your site to see the changes. With this tip, you're not just embedding Github Gists into Webflow CMS Rich Text, but doing so with style!

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