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Product Name Generator

Effortlessly generate unique, catchy product names that resonate with your audience in just a few clicks.


Created by Eoin Clancy

Growth Lead at AirOps

  • Drives conversion

  • Experiment for free

  • Leverage at scale in AirOps

  • Customize for your workflow

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How to use Product Name Generator effectively

How it works

  1. Describe Your Product or Service: Begin by providing a detailed description of your product or service. This should include its main features, intended use, target audience, or any thematic elements. Enter this information in the "Product/Service Description" field.
  2. Enter Main Features or Keywords: Next, input specific keywords or phrases that describe the main features of your product. This helps the algorithm understand the core aspects and characteristics of your product. Fill in the "Keywords" field with relevant terms.
  3. Select Desired Tone: Choose the desired tone for the product name from the available options. You can select from "Professional", "Casual", "Innovative", "Traditional", or "Playful". This selection helps tailor the generated names to match the preferred style and brand identity.
  4. Submit and Generate Names: After filling in all the required fields, submit the form to allow the tool to process the information using its algorithms. It will generate a variety of name suggestions based on the inputs provided.
  5. Review Name Suggestions: Review the list of generated names. The tool will present several options that are distinctive, relevant, and marketable, considering factors like phonetic appeal, memorability, and brand coherence.
  6. Check Domain Availability: The tool automatically checks for domain name availability in real-time. Review the feedback to see if a matching web address is available for your chosen name, which is crucial for establishing an online presence.
  7. Customize (Optional): If using an advanced version of the tool, you may have the option to customize the generated names further. Specify preferences for the desired length, style, or tone if additional adjustments are needed.
  8. Test with Target Audience: Before finalizing your product name, test it with a sample of your target audience to gauge their reaction and ensure it resonates with your intended market.

Optimizing your inputs for standout results

  • Provide detailed descriptions of your product's unique features and benefits to generate more targeted and relevant names.
  • Use specific and varied keywords to give the tool a broader range of concepts to work with.
  • Select a writing tone that matches your brand identity to ensure the generated names align with your desired image.

Who's it for?

Product Manager

The Product Name Generator helps them create unique, marketable names for new products, ensuring they stand out in the market and resonate with target customers. It streamlines the naming process, saving time while delivering creative and memorable options.

Brand Strategist

The tool is invaluable for developing cohesive brand identities by generating product names that align with the overall brand strategy. It ensures consistency in tone and appeal across all product offerings, enhancing brand recognition and marketability.


Entrepreneurs can leverage the Product Name Generator to quickly brainstorm and select compelling names for their startups or new products, ensuring they capture the essence and appeal of their offerings. Real-time domain availability checks are also crucial for establishing an online presence.

Marketing Team

Marketing professionals can use the Product Name Generator to quickly brainstorm campaign-specific product names or variations. This tool aids in creating cohesive marketing strategies by ensuring product names align with campaign themes and target audience preferences.

Why use the free Product Name Generator

Benefits of leveraging a Product Name Generator

  1. Effortless Name Generation: Quickly generate unique and marketable product names by simply inputting a product description, main features, and preferred tone, saving time and reducing the creative burden.
  2. AI-Driven Creativity: Leverage advanced linguistic analysis, creativity algorithms, and artificial intelligence to produce names that are distinctive, relevant, and resonate with your target audience.
  3. Instant Domain Availability Check: Ensure your chosen product name can support your online presence by receiving real-time feedback on domain name availability, helping you secure a matching web address effortlessly.
  4. SEO Optimization: Generate product names that are not only catchy but also optimized for search engines, improving your product's online visibility and discoverability.


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