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Deepgram grows organic traffic 20x in 2 months using AirOps

How Deepgram used AirOps to drive rapid organic growth

January 24, 2024
AirOps Team

Watch the full interview with Deepgram CMO, Marcel Santilli, and AirOps CEO and Founder, Alex Halliday

The Customer

Marcel Santilli is the Chief Marketing Officer at Deepgram, a leader in voice AI technology that provides speech-to-text APIs for app developers. With customers that include NASA, Spotify, and Citi, Deepgram’s models and APIs are used to transcribe and understand millions of  minutes of audio each day. They offer scalable and cost-effective tools for developers to build Speech AI into their applications.

In this post, Marcel talks to us about how Deepgram has applied AI to their organic growth strategy, the importance of input precision for generating high quality AI outputs, and how they increased their organic traffic 20x in just 60 days with the help of AirOps Studio.

Marcel Santilli, CMO of Deepgram

The Problem

Deepgram needed to drive more organic traffic to their website, both to generate more pipeline and to generate backlinks for key search terns. Their plan: create an AI Apps Catalog of thousands of different AI applications and tools as a traffic and lead magnet. The challenge was creating high-quality AI-generated content that would index quickly and rank well, at scale, for thousands of different app pages.

“While tools like Jasper and ChatGPT are great for certain tasks, they lack the flexibility and depth we need at Deepgram for nuanced content creation, especially for SEO. They don't offer the customization and control necessary for creating content that drives results”

— Marcel Santilli, CMO of Deepgram*

Deepgram needed a solution that let them generate precise, high quality content pages for each featured tool, using workflows that incorporate a mix of different data sources as inputs, including live web-search and Deepgram's internal data.

The Solution

Marcel discovered AirOps and quickly learned to build structured multi-step workflows tailored exactly to Deepgram's requirements. Using AirOps’ features like web search and integrations, Deepgram quickly built out over 2,000 high quality landing pages, each cataloging a different AI app.

Within the very first days of their launch, the catalog pages had generated more than 200,000 impressions, and several pages had already landed in the top positions on Google. After monitoring the early results, Marcel's team began to run their workflows at scale, quickly building out the rest of the pages.

Deepgram's 20x traffic growth in < 60 days

The Impact

Deepgram has seen a dramatic increase in overall website traffic. In an interview with Alex Halliday, CEO of AirOps, Marcel mentioned that Deepgram noticed a sharp 20x increase in organic traffic in just 2 months.

Now that my team is seeing the results, everyone’s kinda shocked! There’s not that many instances in my career where I was able to 20X traffic in two months, for a company that was already well established. That doesn’t exist. You don’t grow traffic from a few hundred thousand a month to a million plus, very easily.”

— Marcel Santilli, CMO of Deepgram (watch here)

Get Started with AirOps:

AirOps is proud to partner with Deepgram to make transcription workflows more accessible to everyone. If you’re looking to build with Deepgram models - we have a powerful template to help you get started.

With this ready-to-go voice transcription template, you can accurately transcribe your audio files using our Deepgram integration, and then easily connect the transcription outputs to any other workflow, including article writing, summarization, classification, sentiment analysis, and more!

Get started with AirOps for free here. You can find this template in the Templates tab of your AirOps workspace, under the section, “Techniques”.

Want to learn more about how you can rapidly grow your organic traffic like Deepgram?  Schedule a call with our team here.

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